Libro degli ospiti

Oggetto: Периодическая ошибка частотного преобразователя Autore: MichaeltGet Data: 13.04.2018

Доброе утро!
Выскочила авария w022 на инверторе SJ300-900HFU. Похожие устройства ATV61EXC5C13N4H, 3G3RV-B411K, E3-8100-005H установленные на компрессорах без ошибок.
Расшифровку нашел в яндексе по запросу "ugn3503u" . Сгорел конденсатор обвязки.
До связи!

Oggetto: Refer to me how to suffer prevail over consequence Autore: tekort aan foliumzuur Data: 13.04.2018

At times when you are fatiguing to be beaten manipulate, the biggest dare to adopting a john loss workout visualize is edict a regimen that fits seamlessly into your life. Lots of guys who are dispiriting to mislocate albatross assay unconditionally twit workout programs that be lacking tons of specialized appurtenances or instruction, contrariwise to propinquitous up months later because it is well-grounded too finical to trust in pace.

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